How do you know if your website is successful? Your GA4 analytics tool can tell you that if you set up conversion tracking.

GA4 conversion tracking and creating goals in Google Analytics 4 are easy, and there are many ways of doing it in GA4. Let’s explore 3 methods to track conversions on your website, at Google Analytics 4.

How do we mark a particular page view as a conversion? Our Google Analytics Debugview shows real-time results, tracking everything. 

Let’s suppose we want to track when someone signs up for our merch and news. We want it as a conversion. So we head towards the sign-up form at the Demoshop.

We sign up with my name and click on Submit, to elicit a response/ data from my Google Analytics4, DebugView.

The website shows a success page for my sign-up submission. How did Google Analytics record it?

When we sign up on a form from our website, the success page pops up and Google Analytics records it as a page_view event.

The page_view shows parameters on page location indicating ‘sign-up-form/success/’.

This is what we want as a conversion to track. To mark it as a conversion, we head to my All Events report on Google Analytics. 

It shows us a record of all events that occurred.

You can click on the event and fetch more data about the event. Here, we click on page_view and we avail data about all page view events.

It can also display data about Page path, User engagement, etc.

It’s easy to mark it as a conversion by switching your option at the Mark as conversion column. But this would lead to marking all your page views as conversions. However, we don’t want this.

We only want the particular event to be marked as a conversion.

First, click on Create event in the top right corner of the Analytics site to create your new event.

Give a name to the event. Here, we’re naming it sign_up_demoshop.

Second, input the conditions under which the page view is recorded on Google Analytics. We’ve applied 2 conditions – one, where event_name equals page_view and another when page_location contains /success/.

Finally, you can choose to copy the parameters from the source event from the Parameter configuration. Here, we’ve chosen to copy it. 

Let’s go ahead and create this event by clicking on Create.

🚨 Note: This event would show up on your All Events page when some data is recorded, and it’s registered by Google Analytics 4.

We’ll try testing this by signing up at our Demoshop again. Let’s go to DebugView at our Analytics and we can see the events pouring in. We notice the sign-up-demoshop event is recorded.

You can click on it to view the Parameters and User properties of the event that just occurred.

When the event is present in your All events list, you can click on the switch and mark it for conversion. Once done, you’ll be able to track the particular page as a conversion.

Your conversions are very useful in your User acquisition report. The user acquisition report tells a lot about where your users come from, average time event counts, and conversions.

User acquisition can tell a lot about how users interact with your website and has data on Engaged sessions, Event counts, Conversions, and much more.

This is the first method to classify a pageview as a conversion.

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