Bill of Materials (BOM) Meaning, Purpose, and Types
now let's get cracking at Manufacturing all right as you can tell I'm really excited to show you all of the fun things odoo MRP has to offer for your manufacturing business
but as always first things first let's start with the basic now the bill of materials or bomb for my acronym lovers is a crucial manufacturing document that lists all of the components and the assembly instructions and operations that go into making a product basically it's your recipe for whatever you're trying to produce complete with a list of ingredients and instructions
if we're talking about like something Gordon Ramsay related now inside of this This guide I will show you how to build a bill of materials from scratch you know you don't actually have to do anything here and I will also show you how to add assembly instructions for your line workers
now in other parts I'm going to cover more manufacturing Basics like work center setup and how to manage manufacturing orders I've already linked a few of those in the description below in the This guide so be sure to check those out all right
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Manufacturing Secret : Product Development and Intelligent Manufacturing For Flexible Automation With Odoo 17: Automated a Manufacturing Business From A to Z with ODOO AI
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let's jump into our database and bombs away all right welcome back of doers now the first thing we need to do is check out the products that we want to make a bill of materials
where do we go well we're gonna go to products and over here in the products and right away you can see a product called the kitchen carts now this is something that I've set up for us ahead of time because I'd like to leave you surprises now let's take a look at it so we're actually going to click into it
now here as you can see I've already configured some basic information just you know the most important things here now most importantly though we actually want to go over here into the inventory Tab and why are we here and it's just to make sure that the manufacturer route is selected since we'll be manufacturing this product ourselves
now to create a bomb for this product I can actually click on this little Bill of material smart button that we have up here now this will take me to the bomb template and what is the bomb template now here do lets me actually create a few different things well it lets me create as many bombs for this product as I want
I'm actually not limited to one and this is actually very useful in providing more flexibility around the product's design itself so we're gonna make one now as you notice I can also create and view bombs from the products menu at the top which I'll do now just to show you how
now as you can see here's a list of all of my bombs here now I want to create a new bomb for the kitchen cart so again we're going to hit new and then we're going to set the kitchen cart as the product
now we need a reference code here um in our case we're just gonna leave that blank though it's kind of mostly useful especially if I have multiple versions of a product
in our case I just have the one that I'm trying to make so we don't need that now I also have the option as you notice to designate a specific product variant but this will be the focus of another guide as well
we're also going to leave that blank now I have this bomb type set to manufacture this product now this is a default configuration for bombs in odoo and it indicates that the product simply needs to be manufactured in-house now for our instance
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we're going to leave that also as is don't touch it all right now I already have my components set up as products in our inventory now to add those components to this bomb I'll simply click add a line and then I need to add my materials and their respective quantities in our case what do
we want well we need a steel top we need legs and how many legs does a table have or a card in this case it has four and we need casters because it is a cart not a table God
so we also need four wheels or Casters in this case now another cool feature actually and this is something really cool is that I can change the components units of measured directly from the bomb as long as it's in the same units of measure category such as units and dozens or centimeters and meters and that's a pretty quick tip for you
over here now to do this you actually need to have units of measure activated from the inventory app setting so make sure to do that first also notes changing this value on this bomb will actually only affect this bill of material not the components product template
so keep that in mind if you actually wanted to change something specific this only changes this Bob okay all right now up next I need to specify the instructions for building this product which in our case are called work order operations in odoo
so we'll go to configuration settings and make sure that Woo is activated in our case work orders now I'm going to explain work order dependencies later on so I'll make sure that it's also activated at this time we're just going through these and now I'm even more excited
now since we made changes to the settings page we'll make sure to click the save before exiting the page I know I usually say that it saves Auto but please please save always save all right cool now let's go back to our bomb on the products little materials and now we can work on our operations inside of this tab all right now we're finally cooking and now we're actually going to create a new operation for this product by adding a line
now we need to name this operation so let's call this Assemble legs and top all right I'm really good at making up these names as you can tell now next we need to choose where the work operation will take place we are going to be assembling this at assembly line one
so let's select that from the work center drop down now if we want to apply this operation only to a specific variant we can select that here over here on the variants or apply on variable
now so we don't have any variants for this table you want to leave that blank only use that if you have variant now next the duration computation needs to be set we can choose to compute based on track time notice here we can adjust how many previous work orders on this is based on
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now in our case we're going to put 10 for last 10 work orders now in this situation we are going to choose set the duration manually now for this assembly the time should be I don't know 45 minutes go with it so we'll adjust that time now last we can add work instructions for our assembler in the worksheet that below now you'll notice
we have a few options and this is what I really like about odoo we can attach a PDF a Google slide or we can simply type in some instruction we have all of those options we're not limiting you in our case since I have an amazing marketing team and designers we have kitchen card instructions as a PDF already
I don't know about you but this all looks really good so I'm gonna save it and we're gonna save and close all right that was one operation as you guessed it now we need to add another assembly instruction to this product we need what do we need to do actually well we've put the legs but now we need to put casters onto those legs or else we only have a table now if I have products with similar operations I can simply copy existing operations
over here to save time now you're probably asking yourself how do we copy well to copy and operation all I have to do is click here just copy operation and this takes me to a list of all available operations now I'm going to select the operation that I want to copy here I'll actually choose the assemble casters operation and this is just for the carts since it's pretty similar to what we just did it's putting stuff onto that steel now I simply have to click copy selected operations all right cool
I am actually really happy that this is all going very smoothly now when I go back to the operations tab what do we see over here I'll see that assemble casters has been copied over now since I want to edit this operation a little because it's technically not fully there I'll click on the template
now here I'll change the work center to assembly line 2 which is where production for this operation will take place then once that I'm actually done here I'll change the default duration to I'm going to give them 15 minutes of work in this case aren't we amazing and that's how long it will take to assemble
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Manufacturing Secret : Product Development and Intelligent Manufacturing For Flexible Automation With Odoo 17: Automated a Manufacturing Business From A to Z with ODOO AI
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next I need to add some instructions here I'm going to add some text instructions this time instead of a PDF so we're going to do using torque wrench attach swivel caster and we're gonna paste all of this from our clipboard sorry dewer's out of find the right one now this looks good
so what am I going to Duo doers am I going to move forward no we're going to save always save yourself now notice that if we look at the total duration time and this is actually something really cool we can see that this product will now take 60 Minutes to assemble
why because basic math is why 45 minutes plus the other operations 15 minutes get added ah it did it automatically and that's beautiful that's always beautiful now for bill of materials with multiple operations or steps
lets you create dependencies to indicate which steps should be completed first earlier we activated work order dependencies from the settings menu so now we need to go to the miscellaneous tab and we need to check the box next to operation dependencies at the bottom
Restaurant & Culinary Management Program Secert : Product Development And Smart Manufacturing For Flexible Automation Using Odoo 17
Manufacturing Secret : Product Development and Intelligent Manufacturing For Flexible Automation With Odoo 17: Automated a Manufacturing Business From A to Z with ODOO AI
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I'm going to click on the cloud button next to the breadcrumbs to save this manually and I always mention that because that is how you say manually now let's see how these dependencies work so let's go back to our operations tab I have two operations here that are needed to be performed
if I need to I can drag my operations using these arrows to make sure they're ordered now these were already in the right order because I am perfect so I'll easily switch them back now let's say I want to make what do I want to make odors let's say that I want to make the assemble stainless steel top and legs operation mandatory before I can start on assemble casters
I actually just click on assemble casters and then next to the block by field I'll choose assemble stainless steel top and legs from the drop down sorry that is a very big phrase right there and I can't give you an acronym for that one now assemble casters can't be started before assemble stainless steel top and legs is finished so now that that's all set
let's click save sorry for the mouthful no acronyms for that one now if the block by column is hidden inside of the operations Tab and this is very important in this case I can click on the additional options icon which are the two dots and we can click on block buy and then that'll give you some more information right there and that kind of will always show you what you need to see
now the very last thing I need to do and this is just on my bomb is to indicate exactly when I want my components to be consumed now this way I will know when parts are used and when they will be removed from inventory now for more complicated products with very large time consuming bombs this is extremely important for accurate inventory counts and just to know when in manufacturing orders will be completed
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now this helps my purchasing team know when to order more components and it helps my sales team know when manufactured products will be available to ship to customers now to set this up we got to go back over here to the components tab then I need to assign operations to each component which I can actually do Under the consumed and operation column if it isn't immediately visible check the additional options menu
as you can see over here on the far right with this little icon it's very small you might miss it now let me assign the operation during which my component should be consumed now once we get that set up under consumed and assigning these ones awesome
we have our bomb fully set up now if I want let's say any more detailed information about costs for this product I can just click on this overview smart button in the upper right which will give me a full report of all the material and operational costs for this product
this overview report provides a ton of helpful information from the components used operations availability lead times and even how we obtain products who are on you know their other components and so much more honestly the list goes on but I am getting light-headed now in the top right hand corner odoo shows us how many finished items we have on hand as you can see over here with the free to use and when the next expected item will be available based on the current and forecasted stock
NOW the report also shows component availability current stock levels lead times and routes giving us a very complete picture of all of our available inventory in one place all right
now you know how to create a bill of materials in just a few steps and you can also build operational flows that include instructions for your assembly line now I hope you'll join us in future part of This guide s where I'm going to cover more awesome odoo stuff